niedziela, 18 października 2015

TED Talks: The unexpected beauty of everyday sounds

Meklit Hadero : The unexpected beauty of everyday sounds


lineage - ancestry, pedigree. Meklit speaks of her sonic lineages - musical influences that shaped her musical taste and her own creation.
My sonic lineages are incredibly varied: I grew up listening to jazz, punk rock, pop, rap and even classical music. I try to combine all these influences in my music, so my compositions are very ecclectic.

score - a written representation of a musical composition; before a musician starts to interpret a piece of music, he opens the score on his music stand.

to creak - make a scraping or squeaking sound when being moved . Like this:

a clank - a sound produced when two metal objects are struck together. Like this: or this:

to be awash in sth - to be immersed in sth, sourrounded by sth
We are awash in music even though very often we don't realise it. In reality, our environment is full of sounds.
seminal - innovative, creative, groundbreaking
Copernicus shook the foundaments of humanknowledge and  perception with his seminal ideas. 
hard-wired for sth - genetically determined to have a certain inclination  or behave in a certain way.
We are all hard-wired for experiencing fear and seeking refuge when exposed to danger. 
It stopped me cold - it stopped me immediately, I became like frozen.
When you told us the bad news, it stopped me cold.

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