niedziela, 6 grudnia 2015

TED Talk : Rose George : Inside the secret shipping industry

Rose George : Inside the secret shipping industry


shipping the transport of goods by sea (or any other means)

Very few people think about how commercial goods are transported, so they are usually rather surprised to hear that we all owe 90% of deliveries to shipping. 

Should there be any problem with shipping, the delivery of commodities to the client might be delayed.

seafarer a person regularly travelling by sea

I bet there is no seafarer that suffers from sea sickness. 

A seafarer's life is really tough - weeks or months spent on waters, no women, no Internet.... 

vessel a ship or a large boat

Everybody on the lifeboats! Thevessel is going down!

The Titanic was said to be an unsinkable vessel and yet, over 1500 people lost their lives when it drowned. 

on a par with equal in importance or quality to

I never buy cheap perfumes - they will never be on a par with good old Chanel. 

This employee may have the least experience of all but he is on a par with the others in terms of efficiency. 

admiralty the jurisdiction of courts of law over cases concerning ships or the sea and other navigable waters

flag of convenience a flag of a country under which a ship is registered in order to avoid financial charges or restrictive regulations in the owner's country

dregs what is lefs of a liquid in a container, together with any sediment

I only drink instant coffee, because I can't stand dregs from the ground one.

(metaph) When she finally arrived home from work, she used the dregs of her energy to nibble a slice of bread and feed the cat before she fell half-alive on her bed. 

soot a deep black powdery or flaky substance consisting largely of amorphous carbon, produces by the incomplete burning of organic matter

No wonder that the air in Cracow is so polluted - if you look at the funnels during the winter season, you will see smoke full of soot coming out of them.

We should clean up fireplace - the pane is all black from soot, you can barely see the fire!

plight a dangerous, difficult or otherwise unfortunate situation

During the war, plights became a part of his everyday routine - he had to be very careful not to get shot.

Our hitchiking trip was great, though we got involved into a plight once, when a truck driver took a detour and for a couple of hours we had no idea where we were going. 

garrulous excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters

Christmas is coming, which means that we will have to listen to your garrulous old auntie again... She's definitely too talkative!

He was alively, garrulous man who liked feasting in a jolly company. 

to be in two minds be unable to decide between two alternatives

Honey, could you help me with the gift for your mother? I'm in two minds - I can't decide whether to buy her a book or a new baking tray.

Should I dye my hair red or black? I'm in two minds...

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